Leadership Coaching
Getting On The Balcony
The practice of leadership is not meant to be borne alone. It’s both active and reflective work, where you and your teams have to alternate between observation and participation. Working with a coach can help you “get on the balcony” to observe and gain perspective on the challenges. Coaching also provides a trustworthy container for you to share those challenges with an experienced guide, think through your participation in them, and develop appropriate actions.
We offer two forms of coaching: 1:1 Executive Coaching and Company Coaching

Executive Leadership Coaching
Executive coaching is a 1:1 process where you and an experienced coach work together over time, generally at least six months. The work is both active and reflective.
Company Coach
We function as a company coach for oganizations that want to build leadership capacity. Through observation, reflection, coaching, honest feedback, and business experience, we help organizational leaders address the challenges they face as a trusted confidant. As company coach, we help embed a common framework, language, and tools across departments.